Binaural Beats Series


This 1 hour digital album incorporates binaural beats which focus on the four main brainwave states: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Each recording is dedicated to a different brain wave state encouraging entrainment ranging in experiences from being more alert all the way to dream-less sleep.

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Welcome to the Binaural Beat series created by NTM Sound.

This series incorporates binaural beats which focus on the four main brainwave states:

Beta brainwaves are associated with waking consciousness, logical thinking and problem solving

Alpha brainwaves are associated with creativity, feeling a sense of calm and the ability to learn and absorb new ideas and information

Theta brainwaves are associated with a downshift of being awake and aware to more daydreaming and deep relaxation

Delta brainwaves are associated with deep sleep, active dreaming, cellular regeneration and detoxification

These recordings are designed for headphone use: in order to maximize the benefits of binaural beats you need a controlled environment for entrainment to work properly. But you can still play these through speakers in open air environments and experience different benefits- specifically, a carefully designed soothing quality.

Each recording utilizes psycho-acoustic techniques to enhance your ability to easily drop in and immediately tune in. The sounds—from acoustic instruments, synthesized, or sonically manipulated and deconstructed—reflect the natural world.

The various psychoacoustic techniques can include binaural beats, isochronic tones, bilateral panning, filtering, incorporation of spacial effects and entrainment.

Entrainment is key to shifting your state of being. With the help of sound a listener can untether from their life story for a brief moment; all of the stresses, obligations, pain, concerns and emotions in order to gain some perspective. When we are able to breathe and listen with greater focus and awareness it can have a noticeable impact on our nervous system as well as our psyche. The end result: we can feel more calm and relaxed afterwards— it's the confluence of sound and it’s effect on us, a greater awareness and breathing that influence the outcome.

Give yourself a moment. Tune in. Connect.

Mindful Tones Complete Series
Sonic Spaces For Reflection
Environment Series
Sound Meditations, Vol. 2
Sleep Series