Sound can be your pathway to meditation. And it doesn’t have to just be for intentional meditation: sound can be incorporated into your environment to establish a mood, or dipped into as a way to relax or quash anxiety.
Each recording utilizes psychoacoustic techniques to enhance your ability to easily drop in and immediately tune in. The sounds—from acoustic instruments, synthesized, or sonically manipulated and deconstructed—reflect the natural world.
The various psychoacoustic techniques can include binaural beats, isochronic tones, bilateral panning, filtering, and incorporation of spacial effects.
All of the meditation recordings are designed to promote meditation, relaxation, and introspective self-exploration. Some recordings identify specific ways of being (calm, restored, creative…), others are intended for how we move through the world (sleep, travel, letting go…).
When you remove certain elements that regularly exist in structured music, like melodic and rhythmic content, and instead are introduced to more drone-like sounds it can allow the listener to have a more open ended and often introspective experience. Without the melodic and rhythmic content there is less information available to inform and influence the listener's experience allowing for a more of a moment of mindfulness where the listener can become their own witness. It's very much a meditation with sound acting as a container to guide the listener which is done through entrainment. Entrainment can be achieved by rhythmic pulse, a set of intervals acting as a drone as well as binaural beats.
Give yourself a moment. Tune in. Connect.