Welcome to the first volume of sound meditation recordings design by NTM Sound.
There are 10 different themes to choose from: Focus, Be Here, De-Stress, Inspire, and more. Each composition incorporates different techniques and utilizes a range of instruments. There are slightly shorter compositions of five minutes and longer form pieces upwards of twenty minutes in length. The end result is 2 hours of sound designed to help bring you a sense of calm. The sound can be experienced with either headphones or through speakers in your environment.
Each recording utilizes psycho-acoustic elements including binaural beats, isochronic tones, and entrainment techniques to enhance your ability to easily drop in and immediately tune in. The sounds—from field recordings, acoustic instruments, synthesized, or sonically manipulated and deconstructed—reflect the natural world.
The various psychoacoustic techniques can include binaural beats, isochronic tones, bilateral panning, filtering, incorporation of spacial effects and entrainment.
Entrainment is key to shifting your state of being. With the help of sound a listener can untether from their life story for a brief moment; all of the stresses, obligations, pain, concerns and emotions in order to gain some perspective. When we are able to breathe and listen with greater focus and awareness it can have a noticeable impact on our nervous system as well as our psyche. The end result: we can feel more calm and relaxed afterwards— it's the confluence of sound and it’s effect on us, a greater awareness and breathing that influence the outcome.
Give yourself a moment. Tune in. Connect.
Sound Meditations, Vol. 1
The first volume of sound meditation recordings: 2 hours of calming sounds suitable for use with meditation or within your environment.
A 9 minute sound meditation to help you create the space needed to explore an intention in a more meaningful and focused way.
A 10 minute sound meditation designed to engage and stimulate the different parts of your brain, connecting with memory and emotion.
A 7 minute sound meditation that acts as a mental reset, helping to shift your perspective, particularly when dealing with uncertainty.
A 10 minute sound meditation for reducing stress while encouraging and supporting you in becoming more present.
A 20-minute meditation that, while still soothing, serves as a more active listening experience to promote expansive thinking.
A 12+ minute sound meditation to stimulate the temporal lobe, helping to inspire creativity and focus intention and energy on a creative endeavor.
A 10-minute meditation that supports your ability to become more aware, present in the moment, and centered.
A 16 minute sound meditation for deep relaxation, allowing the mind and body to untether from the obligations of a busy life and connect within.
A 13+ minute sound meditation for releasing something that no longer serves you with the help of shifting waves and sounds.
An 11 minute sound meditation for supporting your journey, allowing you to be guided by the pulse and pace of the drum and move deeper into your story.